Contribution guidelines
Thank you for your interest in contributing to the xeokit-react library.
There are a couple of ways in which you can contribute.
Reporting bugs
Please use our github issues page for bug reports. We kindly ask you to check the closed issues tab first before submitting your bug report. You may find that your issue has already been solved.
When making a submission, please keep the following in mind:
describe the exact steps that caused the bug so that we can reproduce them as closely as possible
if possible, provide/share the code you're using; some possible ways to share include:
github repo links
codepen, codesandbox, etc.
for smaller snippets, gists or even inline code blocks provided in the issue itself would suffice (in the latter case, please make sure to use markdown syntax highlighting)
explain the desired behaviour
In general, please be as thorough and include as much detail as you possibly can.
Suggesting features/enhancements
Please use our github issues page for feature requests.
Before making a feature request, please make sure that the desired feature has not been proposed already.
A good feature request would:
include a brief summary and/or a bullet point list with the key aspects of the requested feature
explain in detail the ways in which it would improve the current offering of the package
include specific use case examples
point to similar features in other libraries (if applicable)
Code contributions
We would also, of course, very much appreciate your pull requests that improve the library's feature set, fix bugs, improve documentation, etc.
Please read the guide below before submitting your pull request.
Our preferred git workflow is gitflow. We urge you to give the link above a good read but the key points are as follows:
is used for the ongoing developmentfeature
branches are created off ofdevelop
branches are used to test and roll-out new versions of the apphotfix
is used for patching the production versionmaster
branch is always the current production version
If you were to, say, add some new feature, this may be an optimal workflow:
fork the repo and clone it
create a feature branch from
work on your feature, following the code style guide below
when you're done, push to your forked repo
create a pull request to the xeokit-react develop branch
please include an appropriate message with your pull request (following the spirit of the bug report or feature request guidelines outlined above)
Code quality, style
To keep things neat & tidy and above all consistent, we use ESLint for development. We use airbnb
's ESLint config with a couple of modifications (such as allowing JSX in .js
Some of the key points are:
2 space indents
line length: 80
single quotes
use semicolons
You can inspect the full ruleset in the .eslintrc
and .prettierrc
Since ESLint is added as a dev dependency, adhering to our style guide should be relatively straightforward and largely automated.
Please note that the above mostly concerns the core xeokit-react package residing in the src directory. The various demo examples in the demo directory may be edited/changed/added to more freely.
This project follows the Semantic Versioning Specification, SemVer for short.
The essence of this approach can be summarised as follows (quoted from the official semver site):
Consider a version format of X.Y.Z (Major.Minor.Patch). Bug fixes not affecting the API increment the patch version, backwards compatible API additions/changes increment the minor version, and backwards incompatible API changes increment the major version.
If you are still in doubt about anything after reading this guide, please don't hesitate to get in touch.
We strive to respond to bug reports, feature requests, PRs and all other inquires as soon as possible; but please do keep in mind that we may not always be able to get back to you immediately.
Once more, thank you for any potential contributions,
Your friends @ BIMSpot
Last updated
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